Lou The Big Horned Rhino
Review Crew Page
Welcome to the SUPER SECRET Lou the Big Horned Rhino Advanced Review Page!
As a member of the Review Crew, please take these steps to write and leave your review for Amazon:
STEP ONE: Using this preview, please write your Lou review so that
it's ready to go for its official launch date on Monday, August 21.
STEP TWO: I will be making the Kindle/ebook version of Lou
free to download on Amazon for the first 5 days of its release (August 21-25.)
Click here for the Lou e-book link on Amazon.
Please download the free ebook, then copy and paste your review into Amazon.
The reason behind this is, by downloading the ebook and then leaving your review,
Amazon will view your review as a "verified purchase,"
which gives your review more weight (even though you downloaded the free version.)
You can still feel free to buy the Lou softcover, but this way
everyone will be able to leave a verified review if they don't want to purchase the physical book :)
Please download the e-book and leave your Amazon review as close to the August 21st launch date as possible.
This is because Amazon can take a few days to post your review.
Thanks for everyone's participation!
Reviews play a huge part in a book's success, especially when a new book launches. I appreciate your help!
Happy Reading!
Matt (Papa Moose)